Art Classes: Live your Beautiful Life…sing your song, dance with your heart , paint your inspiration

Art Classes

art as a vehicle to meditation and soul expression. Similarly to meditation, art can help us tap into a deeper and more quiet part of ourselves. We enter into a state of flow and present-moment awareness. “All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness,”

Breathing Classes Inspirata Breath in Breath out
Breathing Life Into 'Inspire'
The word's origins are quite literal

Hundreds of thousands of words have come into English from other languages (many thousands, for instance, from Latin alone). Often these words will begin with a meaning that is very similar, if not identical, to the one they had in a previous language.

Some words, however, come to English with the aim of starting afresh, taking on a new identity as they navigate this strange new language. Inspire is one of these words.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.This moving little word may be traced back to the Latin inspirare (“to breathe or blow into”), which itself is from the word spirare, meaning “to breathe.” It didn't take long to establish itself in a figurative sense, as our earliest written English uses of inspire give it the meaning “to influence, move, or guide (as to speech or action) through divine or supernatural agency or power.” Many of the early figurative senses of inspire are religious in nature, so it is not surprising to learn that the word shares a connection with spirit (which comes from the Latin word for “breath,” spiritus, which is also from spirare). A number of other early senses of inspire were indeed concerned with breath and blowing; beginning in the late 14th century the word carried such meanings as “to breathe or blow upon,” “to breathe in,” and “to infuse (as life) by breathing.”

Travel Light Classes

It’s about the Journey….

Travel Light, Be the light

Yoga Classes…Awaken your Creative Potential…Unite your light with your your truth

Breathing Life Into 'In

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